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Igor Elortza
Personal details
- Name
- Elortza, Igor
- Complet name and surname
- Elortza Aranoa, Igor
- Birth
- 1975 Durango + Durango < Durangaldea < Bizkaia < Basque Country
- Main specialization
- Bertsolaria
- Specializations
Bertso irakaslea Bertso-jartzailea Eragilea
Biographical details
- Biography
- Holder of a Bachelor’s Degree in Topographic Engineering, Postgraduate in Transmission of Basque Culture, and Master's Degree in Business and Institutional Communication Management. Nowadays, he works in Di-da communication agency. Music, theater, script writing ... his professional career covers a wide variety of artistic creations, and he deals with it passionately and with concern towards social issues. He describes himself as wordker: berbagin, palabrador, parolétarien. He has been member of the team that presides the association of bertsolaris Euskal Herriko Bertsozale Elkartea since 2018.
He started in bertsolaritza when he was a child: he took classes with Jon Lopategi at Kurutziaga school and with Santi Belarra at the bertso-eskola (bertsolaritza workshop) of Durango. After standing out in the interschool championships, he began to sing in public with other bertsolaris at an early age.
He has been finalist of the National Bertsolaris Championship in 2001, 2005, 2009, 2013 and 2017, and he announced he was taking retirement from championships at the end of the 2017 edition. He has achieved the txapela (the beret which represents the victory) of Bizkaia four times: 2000, 2002, 2004 and 2008, and the championship regarding Araba and Bizkaia in 1998 as well. He was also finalist in this last championship in the four editions between 1990 and 1996.
First steps in bertsolarism
- Lehen plaza
- Gernikan, 1988an, Bizkaiko Eskolarteko Txapelketan. Kobratutako lehen saioa, Durangoko bertso-eskolakoekin, Izurtzan, 1989ko udaberrian. 1000 pta izan ziren.
- Argitaratugabeak eta azterlanak
- Elortza Igor, Sukia Xabier eta Murua Jexux. "Bertsolaritzaren hedapena eta sustapena XXI. mendean : bertsolaritza hedabideetan : tratamendua eta bertso-sarea", Euskal Kulturgintza transmisioa graduondoa, amaierako lana, 2008