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Aritz Zerain

Personal details

Zerain, Aritz
Complet name and surname
Zerain Miner, Aritz
1973 Ereñotzu + Ereñotzu < Buruntzaldea < Gipuzkoa < Basque Country


Main specialization
Jarduerei buruzko azalpenak
Inoiz egin ditu antolatzaile, gai-jartzaile, aurkezle eta bertso-eskolako irakasle lanak (Ereñotzun)

Biographical details

He has developed his career in the field of Business Administration. He was the main coordinator of the association Euskal Herriko Bertsozale Elkartea from 2008 to 2019.
Having been born in Ereñotzu, birthplace of the popular bertsolari Txirrita, he had an early contact with bertsolaritza; however, his fondness for football was even greater at that time. Although he had no intention of singing in public, in 1998 he was encouraged to participate in the Tabernetako Txapelketa ("Pub Championship") which was held in Hernani and as a result, he started attending the bertso-eskola (bertsolaritza wokshops) of Hernani.
In 2001, he participated in the National Bertsolaris Championship, and in the one of Gipuzkoa in the years 2003 and 2007. In 1999, he also took part in the intercities championship of Gipuzkoa.

First steps in bertsolarism

Lehen plaza
Hernanin, 1998an, Tabernetako Bertsolari Txapelketan