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Fito Rodriguez

Personal details

Rodriguez, Fito
Complet name and surname
Rodriguez Bornaetxea, Adolfo


Main specialization

Biographical details

Licensed in Philosophy and Letters by the Complutensian University of Madrid and doctorate in Education Sciences in 1988 with the thesis Bertsolaritza, formarik gabeko heziketa (Bertsolarisme, education without form). He has written: Mintzamena eta Erreala (1984), Hezkuntzaren Teoria (1985), Euskal Herriko Hezkuntzaren Historiarako gai eta liburuen gida (1986), Hizkuntza eta Hezkuntza (1990), Bertsolaritza eta Eskola (1991), Hizkuntza, Hezkuntza eta Elebiduntasuna (1993), Ikastolak eta Euskal Eskolak (1997), Erresistenziaren Pentsamendua (1998), Construir o destruir naciones: el sistema educativo en el País Vasco (1999), Magrittek ez omen zuen pipatzen (2001). Besides, he has written in several magazines about education and Basque culture, and he collaborates in newspapers and radio programs. Since researcher, he has treated topics such as education, language, linguistics, philosophy and politics. His works have been published in other 6 languages besides the Basque. He has adapted to Basque Alfonso Sastre's theatrical work Emmanuel Kant-en azken egunak