General search

New search Type: "aldizkakoa" Entity: "Nafarroako Gobernua" Year: "2011" Name of person: "Etxenike, Sukil" Name of person: "Sanjurjo, Gorka" Type: Extempore verse Exercise: Zortzinaka gaia-emanda batek besteei

Found results: 2

2002-01-26 Donostia Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Sustrai Colina, Andoni Egaña, Igor Elortza, Unai Iturriaga, Sebastian Lizaso, Maialen Lujanbio, Jon Maia, Xabier Silveira

[Extempore verse]

2023-03-05 Senpere Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Amets Arzallus, Sustrai Colina, Beñat Gaztelumendi, Nerea Ibarzabal, Joanes Illarregi, Maialen Lujanbio, Alaia Martin, Aitor Mendiluze

[Extempore verse]