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New search Medium type: "Betacam" Place: "Markina-Xemein" Type: "grabazioa" Name of person: "Mugartegi, Jon" Year: "1989" Place: Lapurdi Place: Urruña Name of person: Arrupe, Martin "Darrupe

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Found results: 17

Lore Jokoak (4. 1854. Urruña) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (5. 1855. Urruña) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (6. 1856. Urruña) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (8. 1858. Urruña) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (9. 1859. Urruña) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Lore Jokoak (10. 1860. Urruña) Idatzizkoa

[Periodical Performance]

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Eskaldunen laudorioak [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Beha dezagun ongi [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Alde guzietarik berri txarrak [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Begia ilun eta sabeletik min [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Alegera gaitezen [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Super Flumina Babylonis [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Aberatsa zenbat den estimagarria [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Bertsuak ontza urreari [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Gizon abariziosa [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Pena handi bat Eskal Herrian [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]

Aditzea bera [Bertsoa] / Martin Arrupe "Darrupe"

[Nonextempore verse]