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New search Medium type: "Betacam" Type: "grabazioa" Name of person: "Harinordoki, Jean Louis "Laka"" Name of person: "Lazkano, Imanol" Name of person: "Mañukorta" Name of person: "Narbaiza, Juan Mari" Year: "1989" Exercise: Bederatzinaka gaia-emanda batek besteei Type: Extempore verse Stanza name: Zortziko handia (hg) / Lau puntuko handia (ip)

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Found results: 1

2008-01-06 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Amets Arzallus, Andoni Egaña, Erika Lagoma, Maialen Lujanbio, Jon Maia, Jon Martin, Aitor Mendiluze, Xabi Paya, Xabier Silveira

[Extempore verse]