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New search Medium type: "U-matic" Type: "grabazioa" Name of person: "Bikandi, Felix" Year: "1989" Year: "1989" Name of person: Lazkano, Imanol Year: 2014

Found results: 6

DF Bertsozale Eskola (5. 2014. Durango)

[Periodical Performance]

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Imanol Lazkano: "Lehen baino gehiago orain ari naiz ohartzen zer-nolako suertea izan dugun"

2014 udazkena. Press article: Basque. Online Library collection

Gaztetxoak bertsolari


2014-05-27. [Egunkaria] View details

Abortuaren legeari jarriak [Bertsoa] / Imanol Lazkano

[Nonextempore verse]

Basarriren mendeurrenean [Bertsoa] / Imanol Lazkano

[Nonextempore verse]

Ama [Bertsoa] / Imanol Lazkano

[Nonextempore verse]