General search

New search Place: "Gipuzkoa" Place: "Hendaia" Name of person: "Agirre, Amaia" Name of person: "Artetxe, Miren" Name of person: "Barroso, Odei" Name of person: "Laburu, Agin" Century: XX Type: Biography Year: 1954

Found results: 16

Antton Kazabon


Eusebio Lasarte "Lasarte II"


Tiburtzio Lopetegi "Agerre"


Juan Jose Lujanbio "Saiburu"


Jose Antonio Manterola "Zatain"


Jose Luis Mugarza "Elgetzu"


Antonio Olano


Txipi Ormaetxea


Anjel San Migel


Plazida Otaño


Antton Iztueta


Jexus Arzallus


Jon Aurre


Gotzon Aurrekoetxea


Jose Mari Gabiria


Jean Louis Harinordoki "Laka"
