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Estitxu Arozena
Personal details

- Name
- Arozena, Estitxu
- Complet name and surname
- Arozena Albizu, Estibaliz
- Birth
- 1975 Mutriku + Mutriku < Debabarrena < Gipuzkoa < Basque Country
- Specializations
Bertso irakaslea Bertsolaria
Biographical details
- Biography
- This is the fourth appearance at the National Championships for this 30-year-old pschology graduate from Lesaka in Navarre. She is involved in teaching bertsolaritza in Navarre, having doen great work in this territory's bertso schools. She was navarre champion in 1995 and in 1998.
First steps in bertsolarism
- Lehen plaza
- Beran, 1991n, Manolo Arozena, Xabier Silveira eta Bittor Elizagoienekin batera, Korrikaren aldeko bazkari batean.