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Arrate Illaro Etxebarria
Personal details

- Name
- Illaro Etxebarria, Arrate
- Birth
- 1989 Getxo + Getxo < Uribe-Kosta < Bizkaia < Basque Country
- Main specialization
- Bertsolaria
- Specializations
Bertso irakaslea Eragilea
Biographical details
- Biography
- Holder of a Bachelors’s Degree in Audiovisual Communication, nowadays she is working in Euskaltzaleen Topagunea. Since 2018, she has been member of the team that chairs the association Euskal Herriko Bertsozale Elkartea.
She took up bertsolaritza at school in Leioa and later she joined ALBE the bertso-eskola (bertsolaritza workshops) in Algorta. In 2006, she won the interschool championship of the Basque Country. In 2008 and 2012, she won the regional tournament in Uribe Kosta within the championship in Bizkaia, and in 2010 and 2012, she reached the semifinals in the championship of Bizkaia.
First steps in bertsolarism
- Lehen plaza
- 1997ko Betiko Ikastolako Ibilaldian bertso bana bota genuen bertsotan genbiltzanok. Bat-bateko lehen saioa ez du gogoratzen, baina pentsatzen dut Algortako San Juanetan, San Martinetan edo Olentzerotan izango zela, 14 urterekin edo.