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Johnny Kurutxet
Personal details
- Main specialization
- Bertsolaria
- Jarduerei buruzko azalpenak
- Estatu Batuetako bertsolaria
Estatu Batuetako Bertsolari Txapelketa: 1988; 1991 (Gardnerville, Nevada)
Estatu Batuetako Euskal Etxeek antolatutako jai eta elkarteratzetako ohiko bertsolaria.
Biographical details
- Biography
- Born in San Francisco Johnny returned with his family to Ezterenzubi for a time and then returned to San Francisco when he was 19. In 1972 he started singing bertsos (improvised verses) with his friends in San Francisco. He manages the Euskal Etxea (Basque Cultural Center) of San Francisco with Jesus Arriada. He participated in the first Bertsolari and Basque Song Festival of Gardnerville and since then he has continued to do so every year. He mainly sings bertsos in Nevada and California.