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Mikel Mendizabal

Personal details

Mendizabal, Mikel
Complet name and surname
Mendizabal Garmendia, Mikel
1956 Itsasondo + Itsasondo < Goierri < Gipuzkoa < Basque Country


Main specialization
Bertso irakaslea
Jarduerei buruzko azalpenak
Eragilea: Ikastolen Elkarteko proiektua dela-eta (1982az geroztik).
Inoiz aritu da bertso-jartzaile, epaile eta gai-jartzaile lanetan.

Biographical details

Born in Itsasondo, Gipuzkoa. 45 years old. This Championship's eldest contestant. He has been the director of the project for the dissemination of the art of bertsolaritza for the Gipuzkoako Ikastolen Elkarteak (Ikastola Association) from its outset. He won many prizes as a young bertsolari. He was a finalist in the Gipuzkoako Txapelketa in 1991 and 1995. Regarding the National Championships, he has participated in all of them since 1982, in the finals of 1989 and 1997, and the heats of the final in 1982, 1986 and 1993.

First steps in bertsolarism

Lehen plaza
Bertsolari gisa: Beasainen, 1974an, Matxinbenta auzoan, Xabier Zeberio, Juan Inazio Begiristain eta Iñaki Murua kantulagun, eta Sebastian Lizaso gai-jartzaile zirela.)
Gai-emaile gisa: Itsasondon, 17 urterekin