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Using foma for language-based games

Article: English. Online
Agirrezabal, Manex ; Alegria, Iñaki ; Hulden, Mans
Using foma for language-based games / Manex Agirrezabal, Iñaki Alegria, and Mans Hulden
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EHU. Ixa Taldea ; Ikerbasque
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[6] or.
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1st Workshop on Games and NLP (GAMNLP-12) kongresuan aurkeztutako lana.
Bibliografia: 6 or.
This paper describes two examples of how finite-state technology (FST) commonly used in computational morphology can help implement language-based games. The tool we have used is foma an open-source toolkit, similar to previous Xerox/PARC finite-state tools. FST tools have been widely used to describe the morphology of languages and to implement spelling checkers and correctors, especially for highly inflected languages.

This tool can also be used to create language-based games for a large number of languages. Here, we give an account of our experience in developing two games for Basque: (1) Angry Words (Apalabrados), for which we generated a list of words, and (2) a tool for making verses in Basque.