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Found results: 797

El inicio del hip-hop en Chile (1984-1987) : la recepción y el aprendizaje de una cultura musical extranjera en tiempos de dictadura = The Beginning of Hip-Hop in Chile (1984-1987) : reception and Learning of a Foreign Musical Culture in Times of Dictatorship

2020. Article: Spanish. Online Library collection

Bertsozalea : Bertsozale Elkartearen Berripapera [216]

2020ko urria. Document: Basque. Online Library collection

L' endecasillabo cantato : dalla metrica alla voce

cop. 2020. Book: Italian. Online Library collection

VI. Mapa soziolinguistikoa, 2016 = VI Mapa sociolingüístico, 2016

2020. Book: Spanish, Basque. Online Library collection

A comparative study of fairy tale and rap narratives : spaces specificity

2020. Article: Arabic, French, English, Turkish. Online Library collection

Folktales and short stories to blend culture and language competence = Leyendas y cuentos para combinar cultura y competencia lingüística

2020. Article: English. Online Library collection

Shimon the rapper : a real-time system for human-robot interactive rap battles

Article: English. Online Library collection

Oralidad y bertsolarismo vasco = Oral history and traditional Basque verse = Ahozkotasuna eta euskal bertsolaritza

2020. Article: Spanish. Online

Ecosistemas de innovación socialpatrimonial : definición y estudio de casos

2020. Article: Spanish. Online

Emakume migratzaile (AK) artean

[2020]. Book: Spanish, Basque. Online Library collection

Gipuzkoako Bertsolari Txapelketa 2019

2020. Book: Basque. Online Library collection

Bapatean 2019

2020. Book: Basque. Online Library collection

Bertsozale Elkartea gero(r)a mugitzen

2020ko udaberria. Book: Basque. Online Library collection

Koronabirusaldia : bertso-paperak, 2020

2020ko ekaina. Book: Basque. Online Library collection

Bat-bateko bertsolaritzaren funtsezko ezaugarriak : azterketa sinkroniko bat = Características fundamentales del bertsolarismo : un estudio sincrónico = Fundamental features of bertsolarism : a synchronic study

2020. Article: Basque. Online Library collection

The explosion of digital storytelling : creator's perspective and creative processes on new narrative forms

2020-09-09. Article: English. Online Library collection

Introducción al arte verbal : una aproximación desde el canto

[2020]. Document: Spanish. Online Library collection

Xabier Amuriza Zarraonaindia

2020. Book: Spanish, Basque. Online Library collection

31. Koldo Mitxelena literatura lehiaketa : olerkia, ipuina, komikia, bertsoa, mikroipuina : 8-18 urte

2020. Book: Basque. Online Library collection