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New search Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Lizaso, Koxme" Name of person: "Mendiburu, Jean Pierre" Year: "1983" Type: Library Year: 2022

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Found results: 233

The early history of rhyme in finnish poetry

2022. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

The routledge handbook of emotions in the Ancient Near East

2022. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

The song as a cultural and historical archive for reconstructing the past

2022. Article: English. Bibliographic reference

The unheard voices in pashto women poetry

2022. Article: English. Online Library collection

Trends in world music analysis : new directions in world music analysis

2022. Book: English. Bibliographic reference

Two projects and a thesaurus : experiences in the management, descriptions and indexing of oral sources

2022. Article: English. Online Library collection

Txalopinak : zaharberritutako kanta finak

2022. Book: Basque. Library collection

Utzi azalari

2022. Book: Basque. Library collection

Xabier Leteren kantagintza : bertsioak eta bilakabidea aztergai

2022. Article: Basque. Online

XXI. narrazio lehiaketa ; XIV. bertsopaper lehiaketa, 2022

2022. Book: Basque. Online Library collection


2022. Audio: Basque. Library collection

É sempre rhara a rhima : um ensaio sobre a poética do hip-hop

2022. Document: Portuguese. Online Library collection