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Jon Sarasua
Personal details
- Name
- Sarasua, Jon
- Complet name and surname
- Sarasua Maritxalar, Jon
- Birth
- 1966 Aretxabaleta + Aretxabaleta < Debagoiena < Gipuzkoa < Basque Country
- Main specialization
- Bertsolaria
- Specializations
Bertso-jartzailea Eragilea Researcher - Jarduerei buruzko azalpenak
- Tarteka egin izan ditu antolatzaile, gai-jartzaile eta gai-emaile lanak ere (1981-2000). Bertso-eskolako irakasle ere izana da (Orio, 1985; Almen, 1996; eta tartekako hainbat)
Biographical details
- Biography
- He studied Journalism and Sociology in Bilbao. In 1996 he was awarded a doctorate for his thesis Bi begiratu euskarazko kazetari hizkerari (Two approaches to journalistic language in the Basque language). He is currently lecturing in the History of Thought at Mondragon University. His articles have been published by various magazines such as Argia, Jakin, Bertsolari and the newspapers Euskaldunon Egunkaria and Berria. Together with Andoni Egaña, he published Zozoak beleari (1997), an original essay about current bertsolaritza. The same year, he published the essay Biziaren hizkuntzaz: Txepetxekin solasean, about language sociology and in the year 2001 together with Joxerra Garzia and Andoni Egaña, The art of bertsolaritza. Improvised basque verse singing. He has encouraged much of the research which has been carried out on modern bertsolarismo.
First steps in bertsolarism
- Lehen plaza
- Donostian, 1981ean, Balda pilotalekuan, Gipuzkoako Eskolarteko txapelketan