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Maximiano Trapero

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Trapero, Maximiano


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Professor on Spanish Philology at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and doctor on Romanic Philology. He has researched the fields of lexical semantics (El campo semántico deporte, S.C. Tenerife, 1979. "Agustin de Bethencourt" Research Award 1977) and the place names lexicon. In the field of traditional literature, he has studied the Autos de Navidad or Pastoradas that are maintained orally in Castile and Leon (La pastorada leonesa, una pervivencia del teatro medieval, Madrid, 1982 March Foundation Grant) and improvised poetry. He has gathered, published and studied the Spanish romances as part of a plan to rescue the romance tradition within the Canaries (Romancero de Gran Canaria, 1982, Romancero de la isla del Hierro, 1985 and Romancero de la isla de la Gomera, 1987 and Romancero de la isla de Fuerteventura in 1991). In the books Romancero Tradicional Canario (1989) and Lírica Tradicional Canaria (1990) an overall and updated view about the subjects is offered. Between 1980 and 1987 he collaborated with the Menéndez Pidal Seminary of Madrid by the gathering and study of the Spanish romances of the central and north-west areas of the peninsula. He is the Vice-president of the Asociación Iberoamericana de la Décima y el Verso Improvisado.