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New search Type: "aldizkakoa" Name of person: "Telleria, Millan" Name of person: "Loidi, Arantzazu" Entity: "Euskadi Irratia" Name of person: "Iraola, Dionisio" Name of person: "Ezeiza, Julian "Aterpe"" Type: Extempore verse Place: Oiartzun

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Found results: 224

2017-01-08 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Andoni Egaña, Arkaitz Oiartzabal "Xamoa"

[Extempore verse]

2017-01-08 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Igor Elortza

[Extempore verse]

2017-01-08 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Sustrai Colina, Jone Uria Albizuri

[Extempore verse]

2013-11-16 Oiartzun Txapelketa [Bertsoa] / Agin Laburu, Jon Maia

[Extempore verse]

2013-11-16 Oiartzun Txapelketa [Bertsoa] / Odei Barroso, Agin Laburu

[Extempore verse]

2013-11-16 Oiartzun Txapelketa [Bertsoa] / Aitor Sarriegi

[Extempore verse]

2013-11-16 Oiartzun Txapelketa [Bertsoa] / Alaia Martin

[Extempore verse]

2013-11-16 Oiartzun Txapelketa [Bertsoa] / Jon Maia

[Extempore verse]

2013-11-16 Oiartzun Txapelketa [Bertsoa] / Odei Barroso, Alaia Martin

[Extempore verse]

2013-04-19 Oiartzun Sariketa [Bertsoa] / Mikel Artola, Manu Goiogana

[Extempore verse]

2013-04-19 Oiartzun Sariketa [Bertsoa] / Oier Aizpurua Olaizola

[Extempore verse]

2013-01-06 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Maialen Lujanbio, Julio Soto

[Extempore verse]

2012-01-08 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Maialen Lujanbio

[Extempore verse]

2011-01-09 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Maialen Lujanbio, Jon Maia

[Extempore verse]

2010-04-23 Oiartzun Sariketa [Bertsoa] / Arkaitz Goikoetxea, Alaia Martin

[Extempore verse]

2009-12-26 Oiartzun Sariketa [Bertsoa] / Maddalen Arzallus, Beñat Gaztelumendi

[Extempore verse]

2009-01-06 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Andoni Egaña

[Extempore verse]

2008-01-06 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Amets Arzallus, Andoni Egaña, Erika Lagoma, Maialen Lujanbio, Jon Maia, Jon Martin, Aitor Mendiluze, Xabi Paya, Xabier Silveira

[Extempore verse]

2008-01-06 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Aitor Mendiluze, Xabier Silveira

[Extempore verse]

2008-01-06 Oiartzun Jaialdia [Bertsoa] / Jon Maia

[Extempore verse]