General search

New search Bertsolari: "Perea, Oihane" Medium type: "Betacam" Type: "grabazioa" Name of person: "Agirre, Joxe" Name of person: "Hirigarai, Pantzo" Type: Extempore verse Performance type: Lehiaketa

Found results: 5

2011-01-16 Mungia Lehiaketa [Bertsoa] / Arkaitz Estiballes, Etxahun Lekue

[Extempore verse]

2011-01-16 Mungia Lehiaketa [Bertsoa] / Miren Amuriza, Onintza Enbeita, Arkaitz Estiballes, Etxahun Lekue

[Extempore verse]

1995-09-25 Getxo Lehiaketa [Bertsoa] / Aritz Lopategi, Jokin Sorozabal

[Extempore verse]

1995-09-25 Getxo Lehiaketa [Bertsoa] / Jon Enbeita, Jokin Sorozabal

[Extempore verse]

1990-07-01 Muxika Lehiaketa [Bertsoa] / Igor Elortza, Iñigo Olabarri

[Extempore verse]